In all likelihood, you have already heard about one of the behavioural addictions which is…
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These habits do not let you be happy here and now
Everyone wants to be happy and doing one’s best to achieve this mysterious state. Still,…
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Start praising yourself right now
Everyone loves being praised. This makes is feel better, more valued and also motivates us…
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Anyone can make these mistakes – stop blaming yourself
Making mistakes is something absolutely natural for people and you will hardly meet a person…
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Popular recommendations given to young people by previous generations which usually do not work
As a rule, wisdom is believed to be an element of aging and many of…
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Do you really love yourself?
Have you ever thought about your relationship with yourself? How are you treating yourself? Can…
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A proper way of helping others
The majority of people learnt how crucial it is to help other people in their…
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How should you talk to people who are constantly complaining?
In all likelihood, there is at least one person among your acquaintances who tend to…
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Mixed signals and what you can do about them
Are you confused about the behaviour of your partner? Do you feel like he or…
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Why you don’t know what to do in your life and how you can solve this problem
Everyone wants to fulfill one’s dreams, however, not everyone is capable of it. It turns…
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